Freddy Fazbear

Freddy Fazbear is the titular character of the entire franchise, and features prominently throughout. This version of the character, from Five Nights At Freddy's is known as Classic Freddy. There are, however, multiple other Freddy variants throughout the franchise, including but not limited to: Toy Freddy, Withered Freddy, Phantom Freddy, Nightmare Freddy, Shadow Freddy, Funtime Freddy, Rockstar Freddy, and Glamrock Freddy.
Bonnie The Bunny

Aside from Freddy himself, Bonnie is one of the most prevelant faces in the Five Nights franchise. He has just as many alternate versions as Freddy does, and even got a game where a version of him got to star as the main attraction. Notable versions of Bonnie include Springtrap (a major character mentioned later this wikia), RXQ, and Glamrock Bonnie.
Chica The Chicken

Chica is the third in the trio of main stage animatronics at Freddy Fazbear's. Her role is to be backup singer to Freddy and to promote the 'eat' side of the eatertainment buisness. Unfortunately, she is the most common member of the group to be left out due to this nature.
Foxy The Pirate Fox

Foxy is seperate from the main three and primarily acts as a side attraction in his own area of the resturaunt called Pirate's Cove. Unfortunately, he tends to be out of order in most games he appears in.
Michael Afton

Michael Afton, commonly referred to as Mike, is the main character in nearly every main series FNAF game, having appeared in the role from games 1-6, in which he unfortunately perishes. He also accidentally kills his younger brother, Evan, in an accident in 1983.
Elizabeth Afton/Circus Baby

Elizabeth Afton was the only daughter of the Afton household. Unfortunately, due to unforseen circumstances involving one of her father's animatronics, she did not stay alive for long, with her soul ending up posessing Circus Baby.
Henry Emily

Henry Emily is the cofounder of Fazbear Entertainment. His daughter is also the first victim of William's rampage. In the end, he put into motion a plan to stop William once and for all.
William Afton/Springtrap

The ultimate evil of this universe, William Afton is a mass murderer who ends the lives of no less than 11 people directly and 13 indirectly. He is the primary driving force of influence in the series, even after he dies. Following his death in 1993, William manages to live on for more than 30 additional years in the form of Springtrap.